Gerundet, glatt geschliffen kindersichere Ecken und Kanten
Satin UV Polyurethan-Finish
Schiffe fertig montiert
Lebenslange Garantie
Maße 10 x 18 x 8 cm (4 x 7 x 3 im)
This realistic, solid rubberwood iron allows children to play pretend with a touch of realism. Teach children to take care of their costumes and dress up clothes with this attractive ironing board. Pair with our solid rubberwood ironing board for the full set! Lebenslange Garantie.
Gerundet, glatt geschliffen kindersichere Ecken und Kanten
Satin UV Polyurethan-Finish
Schiffe fertig montiert
Lebenslange Garantie
Maße 10 x 18 x 8 cm (4 x 7 x 3 im)
This realistic, solid rubberwood iron allows children to play pretend with a touch of realism. Teach children to take care of their costumes and dress up clothes with this attractive ironing board. Pair with our solid rubberwood ironing board for the full set! Lebenslange Garantie.
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