Customize a classroom table to meet students’ needs with adjustable table legs. 坚固的模压塑料和粉末涂层金属支腿可调节 1 在 (2.5 厘米) 增量. 塑料腿部支撑可防止腿部翘曲或松动. 无损伤尼龙调平滑块无需额外工具即可调节. Compact leg support design frees up more space under the table–no more bumped knees! 终身保修.
Customize a classroom table to meet students’ needs with adjustable table legs. 坚固的模压塑料和粉末涂层金属支腿可调节 1 在 (2.5 厘米) 增量. 塑料腿部支撑可防止腿部翘曲或松动. 无损伤尼龙调平滑块无需额外工具即可调节. Compact leg support design frees up more space under the table–no more bumped knees! 终身保修.
可调大腿 53-76 厘米 (21-30″) – 集 4 腿